(610) 250-6707
Easton Area Joint Sewer Authority EWWTP Plant


The Easton Area Joint Sewer Authority (EAJSA or Authority) provides wastewater conveyance and treatment for its member communities which surround the City of Easton (City). The EAJSA member communities are: the City, the Borough of West Easton, the Township of Forks, the Township of Palmer, the Borough of Tatamy and the Borough of Wilson. The EAJSA also treats wastewater from the following non-member municipalities: Townships of Williams, Lower Nazareth and Bethlehem, the Borough of Glendon, and Stockertown. Each of the member and non-member municipalities owns and operates its own collection system. The EAJSA is responsible for the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) operations, capital projects, repairs and permitting as well as operations, capital projects and repairs associated with key conveyance facilities under a long-term contract (99 Years) with the City which is a part of an intermunicipal agreement between all member parties. As part of this long-term contract, the City provides the staff and management personnel required to operate the EAJSA’s WWTP and conveyance facilities. The staff are City employees as well as the management team. Management of the City’s wastewater collection system is handled by City staff. SC Engineers, Inc. is the EAJSA’s Consulting Engineer.

In regard to the member/non-member relationships for sewer service, the following details must be noted. First, the current sewer service area in Lower Nazareth Township is considered a franchise area with Palmer Township. All existing sewers are owned and operated by Palmer Township. Williams Township has one sewer service area which is considered a franchise area with the City. Most of the sewers in this franchise area with the City have existed since the 1970s and are private. Williams Township also has a second, separate sewer service area which is Township owned and operated and connects to one of the WWTP’s influent force mains. The Borough of Glendon’s sewer service area is also considered a franchise area with the City.

The EAJSA WWTP is located off South Delaware Drive (Rt. 611) in Easton, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, and discharges treated effluent to the Delaware River. The plant currently serves the ten municipalities listed previously which contribute domestic, commercial and industrial flows. The WWTP was issued a new NPDES Permit (No. PA0027235) by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) in 2012. This permit has an effective date of May 1, 2012 and an expiration date of April 30, 2017 and is the control document under which the plant operates.

The WWTP, which is permitted for a wastewater flow of 10.0 mgd and an average influent organic loading of 20,000 pounds of BOD5 per day, employs physical and biological processes to achieve the required treatment level. The WWTP effluent must meet the following quality limits:

Parameter Numeric Limitation
CBOD5 25 mg/l (30-day average)
Parameter Numeric Limitation
CBOD5 25 mg/l (30-day average)
Total Suspended Solids  30 mg/l (30-day average) 
Ammonia (as N) 20 mg/l (30-day average)
Fecal Coliform 200 col/100 ml (30-day geometric mean)
pH 6.0 to 9.0 std. units (range)
Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) 0.84 mg/l (30-day average)

50-A South Delaware Drive

Easton, PA 18042

(610) 250-6707


The Authority Board Meeting

Updated Notice – July through December 2023 Meetings

 NOTICE is hereby given that the Easton Area Joint Sewer Authority (the “Authority”) Board will hold its regular monthly meetings in the for the remainder of 2023 on the third Monday of each month in the Easton Area Joint Sewer Authority’s new Administration Building Conference Room (50 South Delaware Drive Easton, PA 18042).  The Board’s meetings will continue to begin at 6:00 p.m.

The Board’s meetings are open to the public. Public participation at the meeting is welcomed.

The meetings are held in-person.  From time to time, the Board may also hold a hybrid meeting allowing members of the public the option to attend the meeting in-person or remotely, through use of the Zoom internet technology application, including telephone option, or other video and audio advanced communication technology (ACT).  Members of the public interested in attending the meeting remotely should check the Authority’s website www.eajsa.com for details concerning possible ACT or telephone connection to the meeting.  One or more Authority Board members will always be present at the in-person meeting site to allow access to the meeting, even if remote access to the meeting is also available.

The Board’s proposed agenda for a meeting can be found at the Authority’s website prior to each meeting.  The Board’s proposed agenda may be subject to revision both prior to, and at the time of the Board’s meeting.

A copy of the Board’s meeting minutes will be available for public review after approval on www.eajsa.com. 




Users please note: The information and resources on this website are provided as a service by the Easton Area Joint Sewer Authority to it’s customers, municipal members, staff, the community and to other users of the internet. The Authority makes no warranty to the user, either express or implied, of the contents of this site or of the other sites to which it links.